
50 years of FFT Produktionssysteme: big anniversary in Fulda

Release time:2024-11-09 10:00

As a fitting final, a big anniversarycelebration was held at the headquarters in Fulda on 8 November. More than1,700 guests, including employees, former colleagues, business partners andrepresentatives from international locations, gathered for an unforgettable‘Green Night’ in Fulda to celebrate the 50th anniversary and toast thecompany's successes.

Tristan Pfurr, CEO of FFT Produktionssysteme,opened the evening with a heartfelt speech in which he thanked the employeesfor their tireless efforts. ‘This evening is for you,’ said Pfurr, who welcomednot only the employees on site, but also former colleagues who had retired. Healso welcomed guests from the international FFT locations, including China, Mexicoand Spain. The CEO particularly emphasised the importance ofinternationalisation as a success factor: ‘You are all the heart of FFT’.

CEO of FFT Produktionssysteme, Tristan Pfurr

Lord Mayor Dr Heiko Wingenfeld was impressedby the history and development of the company and emphasised that FFTimpressively demonstrates how tradition and innovation can be combined inFulda. He praised the company's courage to keep breaking new ground andemphasised the close ties between the city of Fulda and FFT: ‘Fulda standsfirmly by the side of FFT,’ said Wingenfeld.

Lord Mayor, Dr Heiko Wingenfeld

District Administrator Bernd Woide also emphasised the importance of regionality for the company's success and announced that the district would continue to create good framework conditions to support FFT in the long term.

District Administrator, Bernd Woide

Dr Christian Gebhardt, President of the IHKFulda, emphasised the importance of international cooperation and called FFT an‘important training company’.

President of the IHK Fulda, Dr Christian Gebhardt

Edwin Zhang, Chairman of Easun Technology,expressed his thanks for the excellent partnership and emphasised FFT'ssuccessful expansion into new markets since 2019.

Chairman of Easun Technology, Edwin Zhang

Jason Zhao, CEO of Easun Technology, spoke highly of the past development and honors of FFT. Heencouraged everyone to work together to help the company further enhance itsinternationalization and competitiveness, and awarded a special bronze medal inrecognition of FFT's achievements.

CEO of Easun Technology, Jason Zhao

Video messages from Guangchang Guo, Chairmanof the Fosun International and Willam Tang, Executive President of Fosun International / Chairman ofIntelligent Manufacturing Business Group rounded off the celebrations.

The anniversary also included a look into thefuture. Company emphasised FFT's technological focus on the coming decades. As part ofits transformation, the company has focussed in particular on the developmentand implementation of production systems in the field of electromobility. FFT'ssystems are designed to enable intelligent production with maximum efficiencywhile promoting sustainability.

Today, FFT employs near 3,000 peopleworldwide. Geographic expansion and success in international markets confirmthe company's strategic orientation. Mücke's view of the world is characterisednot only by courage and confidence, but also by the expertise and innovativestrength developed in Fulda.

After the official speeches, the guests weretreated to an international buffet and entertainment by comedian FranzHabersack and the live band Mambo Kingx. The evening was hosted by ShaggySchwarz.

The 50th anniversary of FFT Produktionssystemestands not only for the impressive development of the company, but also for theoutstanding importance of innovation, internationalisation and partnerships intoday's globalised economy.


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